Today I got my latest edition of People Magazine. I know. I know. But it’s my one guilty pleasure-read each week. I fit it in between The New Yorker and The Atlantic Monthly – both of which take me much longer to read. Not as many pictures. Good cartoons, though.
I digress.
This week’s People Magazine featured a rosy and pregnant Meghan Markle, aka Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Sussex on the cover. She is beaming. Inside there were all sorts of little details about a recent baby shower held in NYC by all of her American friends, like Serena Williams.
What caught my attention was Serena Williams saying she gave Meghan all sorts of advice. Not bad, getting advice from Serena Williams! But I recall that Serena had a lot of challenges with the birth of her daughter and just after with postpartum depression.
My kids are both adults now, but like most women I remember each birth as if it was yesterday. I also recall getting a serious case of what I thought was simply the “baby blues”.
Sometimes when I scroll through Social Media sites I still see mommy and parent shaming. I read about all kinds of parenting tips and a whole lot of “shoulds”. People really enjoy “shoulding” on others – especially parents.
My kids are pretty amazing. My husband and I have a great relationship with both, but I can tell you, there were many times when we looked at each other and wondered, “Was that a bad parenting choice?” I still wonder, in particular, if I was a good mother. Maybe I should have done this, should have bought that, and definitely shouldn’t have said that.
See? We even “should” on ourselves.
So when I read the article about Meghan and the advice she was getting, I wanted to give my own thoughts on parenting. Not “shoulds.” I wanted to tell her things I wish people had told me at different times during my motherhood journey: when I was a new mother, raising toddlers, beginning the school age years, entering the middle school dramas and surviving teen-hood and college apps.
So here goes:
The thing is, you are okay. You’re not a bad mom. Motherhood isn’t always fun. Post-Partum depression is a real thing, and please do see your doctor if you are more than a little weepy. You’re not a bad Mom if it gets tough and you feel like you are doing it all wrong. Your life will be tough, too. Work. Friendships. Sandwich Generation. Grief and loss.
You’re not a bad Mom if you worry about being a bad Mom. You’re human.
The one thing I say to parents is always – be gentle with yourself. Be as gentle with yourself as you will be with your kids when they are downhearted or sad or frustrated. Be as gentle with yourself as you are with a friend who is hurting.
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